Chapter Strategies
The following critical strategies will be pursued by The Gas Processors Association - Gulf Cooperation Council Chapter:
- Maintain the continuity of the current company members by maintaining close contact with the members and encouraging their more participation
- Enhance the annual conference by ensuring that the conference touches on the subject of most and recent interest and by being specialised and comprehensive at the same time to attract all levels of personnel in the gas business.
- Maintain and improve the participation and input from all the Chapter board and committees members
- Maintain the successful growth of the Chapter in terms of members, participants and activities
- The Chapter must expand its activities to include other useful activities besides the annual conference
- The Chapter must vary its activities to cover all aspects of gas business including technical, management, economical, environmental, health & safety, research & development and standardisations and regulations.
The following important strategies will also be followed:
- The Chapter should grasp and take the lead in the introduction, development and promotion of innovative ideas and be up to speed in the development in the gas processing industry in sharing and transferring new technologies to the region.
- The Chapter should play a big role in strengthening the relations and cooperation between member companies through more meetings, group activities and encouraging the sharing of information and experience.
- The Chapter should cover all subjects and areas of interests covered currently by other gas conference organisers in the area.
- The Chapter should be the main reference point and regulatory authority in the gas business in the area.
- The Chapter should seek to be the sole GCC forum for the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas in the gas business.